UCCI Self Identity

By Axel

English Project

What are the social and cultural influences on my beliefs and values, and how have they shaped my personality?

My parents were very clear about what was right and wrong, especially when it came to protecting myself against the outside world and any other factors. For example, instead of letting me go through drawers which could contain a number of things, from toys to sharper sheets of paper one could get a paper cut from or worse, I was always told to not go through them. Funnily, even now I still hesitate to open drawers when searching for objects. Another greater thing of my beliefs is the act of giving. My family always shared and gifted, and all forms of sharing and giving were transferred to me.I want to make a meaningful difference in people's lives, whether through personal acts of kindness or through my passion for studying electricity and creating innovations to benefit others."

How did I know I stood for something?

Knowing what one stands for is very difficult, and even then it's hard to be certain. After living for almost two decades, I think that having some ideals of life should be starting to come to mind. Over time, helping people with their hardships made me realize the kind of person I want to be. I don't recall what made this change, but I'm sure it started when I was very little and helping friends at school with their tasks, or even helping my mom with any work she needed. This reliability will allow me to succeed in any team environment, no matter how challenging the circumstances.

What is my identity and how is it my superpower?

It is very easy to leave myself questioning who I even am. Perhaps, what am I working towards and who exactly am I. My identity is defined by my beliefs, memories, experiences, and personal relationships I have with other people that also have their own identities. Their identities may also mix into my own. However, I'd like to say that I love to see myself as a dependable person. Over time, helping people with their hardships made me realize the kind of person I want to be.

What do I Actually Stand For? What are the things that make up my identity?

In terms of core beliefs and self proclaimed descrpitions, there is a lot that comes to mind. I believe that my identity will impact my future positively. Below are 6 of the main beliefs and descriptions I love to abide by, and that I find to be my true superpowers in this world. These shape who I am and are descriptions of what I believe emerged from my coming of age through development of time.


Responsibility has been emphasized to me from a very young age. Being accountable and taking care of one's tasks shapes who one is. I've learned that being there when it matters and taking responsibility builds trust and builds strong relationships.


Taking passion in things around us can help motivate people towards the path to success. I personally have my own passion for the study of electricity and the research of new discoveries. I am not truly afraid to put myself out there into the real world and the digital one if it means striving towards my goals. It’s easy to lose motivation and direction, but when you care about something deeply, it becomes my driving force.


Kindness is a value that I see reflected in my friends and family, and it’s something I try to practice daily. Small gestures can make a big difference, and I’ve learned that treating people with kindness opens doors to better communication and deeper connections. It also doesn't hurt to make others smile, even if one doesn't know them on a close level.


Intelligence quite often gets tied to academic achievement, but I'd say it's more cleverness than anything. The ability to think quickly in situations or to perform the other 5 listed beliefs and descriptions is what is derived from intelligence. Having a sharp sense is also apart of my arsenal of superpowers.


Something that has been practiced to a very large extent is perseverance in my life. Due to the extremely challenging coursework I've encountered myself in, I spent hours a day doing homework and studying. Sometimes, it takes me over an hour for a difficult physics problem.


Respect is something that should be owed to many people in our lives. It is something so simple yet difficult for some to grasp. In my personal life, I have always given respect to my peers and family. Of course, I would appreciate the same back towards myself. Being respectful in this world can open many doors, and by itself is a tremendous superpower.

As I continue to grow, I want my lasting impression to be someone who gave back to others, shared knowledge, and stood for kindness and responsibility. Whether in my personal relationships or in my future career, I want to leave people feeling supported and valued. My passion for electricity will be a driving force in my future, as I hope to contribute to technological advancements that can improve the world.